ReSharper Series


As I've mentioned earlier on twitter, I've been planning on doing a ReSharper series on my blog. The idea is to go over ReSharper one part at a time and find some new quirk or feature that I'd like to highlight. I have used ReSharper for a very long time, but want to dig even deeper and try to pass some of the knowledge as well. I have already learned a great deal more just researching for this series.

We're going to start from the basics and go from installation over the basic features of ReSharper to some more advanced and exotic features. The whole event is going to have a strong focus on utilizing the keyboard as much as possible - surviving without your mouse. The reason for this is simply that I've found that in most cases, this will boost the productivity - once you really know keyboard shortcuts, I feel the keyboard just almost becomes a natural extension of your mind, allowing for very rapid work.

I will be updating this post to serve as a reference and overview for the parts as I'm progressing. The number of posts is not decided yet, but suggestions and feedback is very welcome and will probably make me do more posts.

Disclaimer: This blog is not affiliated with JetBrains.

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