Slides from Miracle Open World


Last week I gave two talks at MOW2010. Was an awesome conference and the 80% talks + 80% networking concept really held true. Hope to be going again next year - as speaker or otherwise. Here is the slides from my two talks.

Increasing productivity with ReSharper

This talk is about optimizing the mechanical part of your work. See how a keyboard-centric focus can speed up your work and how to navigate codebases easily independent of size. Visual Studio 2010 has introduced more advanced keyboard features, but ReSharper is still king, so it will be the main focus of the talk. While this session will contain a lot of fast-paced flashy keyboard shortcuts, it will also contain basic techniques and advice for you to get started with your own keyboard.


Practical ASP.NET MVC 2

ASP.NET MVC is the new kid on the Microsoft block. This talk will give you a short introduction to the framework and the new features in ASP.NET MVC 2. After the introduction, we will dig into some practical experiences and common situations of actually implementing a system using ASP.NET MVC. Detours will include other alternative open-source web frameworks and maybe even some JavaScript.
